About the Course
The Agile Workforce – Meeting the Needs of the Future
The workshop consists of modules that educate the participant on what is essential in creating agility as a DNA in their organization. It covers areas such as promoting the right mindset in employees to enhance agility, structuring the workforce into capable, autonomous teams and the know-how to stay agile and future-ready.
Who Should Attend?
Members of the leadership team who are concerned with having a
future oriented workforce
HR professionals who want to understand how to create workforce
Workshop Learning Objectives
● To understand the importance for businesses to be able to respond to constant change in order to survive
● To appreciate the ability of agile organizations in facing uncertainty
● To develop the right mindset in establishing an agile workforce
● To understand why a future workforce is a knowledge-based workforce
● To understand the critical elements for agile workforce planning
● To develop knowledge on the basics of setting up agile teams to foster workforce agility
Workshop Outline
Introduction: Why an Agile workforce is needed
● Environmental forces and rapidly changing customers’ demands are pressuring organizations to be more agile
● The Agile Workforce- How work is redefined, and how your workforce behaves
Section 1: What is an Agile workforce
● Elements of an Agile workforce
● The Agile workforce as a knowledge workforce
Section 2: How to create an Agile workforce
● Foundational mindsets for workforce agility
● Mindset changes involving leaders and employees
Section 3: Talent strategy for an Agile workforce
● Reshaping talent strategy for the future
● Agile working tips & best practices
Section 4: Starting your own Agile workforce
● Building Agile teams from the inside
● Typical roles in an Agile team
Training Methodology
The training methodology will be based on the Truth speakers ELSA methodology. This will include:
● High impact short lectures
● Lively activities
● Learning by Teaching
● Case studies – Other organization's transformation journeys
● Role Playing
● Instant feedback from the facilitator
Your Instructor
Samuel Loh

Samuel’s roots in salesmanship has helped him to understand the challenges faced by
front liners and those on the field when it comes to chasing goals and achieving targets.
He is currently a corporate trainer and performance coach, specializing in leadership and
team collaboration.
With more than 16 years of working in global and regional financial institutions, Samuel
is able to tap into a plethora of experiences in sharing, connecting and motivating
people. Dynamic and energetic, he is involved in forums, panel discussions and
professional support groups. His experience as a retail bank branch manager has also
given him exposure as a community leader and financial services consultant. He is also a
HRDF certified trainer.
Samuel is also trained in SOLVE-model coaching and applies this school of technique
while dealing with his coachees and interacting with trainees. He firmly believes that by
concentrating on building solutions, rather than analyzing problems, he would be able to
help clients make measurable progress in the least needed time.
He always approaches any challenge with sincerity, dynamism and humour, and by doing
this he hopes that he would be able to infect all his course participants with the right
mindset in succeeding in achieving their personal goals.